Best Alternatives For Diapers
Diaper are no more considered a luxury amongpeople it is in fact it is a necessity with the busy schedules and a lack amenities available to help the child. To be more frank, diaper make the child and the parent feel more comfortable and relaxed without being worried about some little trivial issues such as wash room everywhere.
But, as much as they make the life easier, they are not completely without trouble. They biggest trouble that a diaper might pose for the child and the parent is the rash which can often turninfectious or troublesome.
Home Remedies For Diaper Rashes
Hence, it is essential to find alternative for diaper so that the child is extremely comfortable and infection free even after prolonged use. Most mothers and grandmothers have several best home alternatives for diaper but many new-be mom's are in desperate need to be told of such alternative for diaper.
The most common and essential alternative for diaper is the evergreen cotton homemade diaper. They are not only the best home alternatives for diaper but also extremely clean and hygienic as well if used with a little care.
There are essentially two types of cotton cloth diaper which are used by most of the mothers. These are:
Benefits Of Cloth Diapers
The disposable cotton diaper are made with small pieces of cotton cloth with a thick layer of cotton wool placed between two slips of cloth. Put this pad made out of cloth and wool on the underwear of the child, where there is an extremely low scope of shifting or falling. The pad easily can be used for a few hours before it needs a change.
It is extremely healthy and safe. Also, there are reduced chances of diaper rash which isgenerally caused by the constant rubbing of the skin with the rough material used in diaper. Also, diaper become unhealthy after some time due to the growth of bacteria leading to infection or foul smell.
The next set of alternatives for diaper is the re-usable cotton cloth diaper which are traditionally used by many mothers in India. It consists of triangular shaped cotton cloth pieces with strings attached to it for easy tying options. They are extremely healthy and hygienic if they are washed with care along with treating them with warm water and some disinfectants such as Dettol or Savlon.
If you find them difficult to clean, try dipping them in a water and detergent solution for some time before hand or machine wash. However, it is extremely essential to dispose them off as well after a prolonged use for a week or two depending on the frequency of use. In case a mother is unable to make them, they can also be brought from various children stores in the market.
Other than the above given alternative for diaper, one can use pot seats available forthe child in the market for toilet training. As it is extremely essential for the child to be toilet trained before the child attends play school or pre-primary school. Also, it is more hygienic for the child to use a wash room to get fresh rather than the diaper due to bacterial growth due to prolonged use and deposition of waste.
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